Rachel 因兹, Ph.D., RN

Photo of Rachel Dietrich
Assistant Professor of Nursing and PE Coordinator

Hometown:  Pittsburgh, PA
Joined Chatham:  July 2021


Women's 健康, 产科s and Breastfeeding, Qualitative 研究  


  • Ph.D., (Nursing) University of Pittsburgh, 2021
  • MSN (Nursing Education and 领导) Saint Francis University, 2018
  • BSN (Nursing) Saint Francis University, 2015
  • R. R. 因兹, “Breastfeeding Practices and 支持 in U.S. Childcare 中心: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study”, 研究 Funding Application funded in the amount of $1,100 by Chatham University 研究 and Sabbatical Committee March 28, 2022.
  • R. R. 因兹, “The Relationship between Perinatal Weight Stigma and Breastfeeding Outcomes”, 研究 Proposal funded in the amount of $940 by the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing Judith A. Erlen 研究 Award for a one-year period starting July 2020.
  • R. R. 因兹, “The Relationship between Perinatal Weight Stigma and Breastfeeding Outcomes”, 研究 Proposal funded in the amount of $5,000 by the Association of Women’s 健康, 产科, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) Every Baby, Every Woman 研究 Grant for a 2 year period starting June 2020.
  • R. R. 因兹, “The Relationship between Perinatal Weight Stigma and Breastfeeding Outcomes”, 研究 Proposal funded in the amount of $1,250 by the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing Swigart-Gold Doctoral Award for 研究 in Nursing Ethics for a one year period starting August 2019.
  • Member of Association of Women's 健康, 产科 and Neonatal Nurses
  • Sigma Theta Tau International, Eta and Chi Zeta Chapter (Honor Society of Nursing), 2019-present
  • *因兹,R. R.塞雷卡,S., & Demirci J. “Early Postpartum Patterns of Breastfeeding Exclusivity and Perceived Insufficient Milk by Prepregnancy Body Mass Index.” Journal of 产科, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing (November 2021)
  • *因兹,R.张,J.丹福德,C.斯科特,P. W.C., & Demirci J. “The Relationship Between Internalized Weight Stigma During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: A Prospective, Longitudinal Study”. Obesity, 29 (April 2021), 919-927.
  • *因兹,R.张,J.丹福德,C.斯科特,P. W.C., & Demirci J. “She ‘didn't see my weight; she saw me, a mom who needed help breastfeeding’: Perceptions of perinatal weight stigma and its relationship with breastfeeding experiences”. J 健康 Psychol, 1 (January 2021) 1-12.
  • 因兹,R. & Demirci J. “Communication practices of healthcare professionals when caring for overweight/obese pregnant women: A scoping review”. Patient Education and Counseling, 103 (October 2020) 1902-1912.
  • 因兹,R.德米奇,J., & Danford C. “Weight Stigma Related to Pregnancy: A Concept Analysis”. Advances in Nursing Science, 43 (2020) 190-199.
  • 因兹,R.**,卡普兰,E.杨,J., & Demirci J. “Integrative Review of Breastfeeding 支持 and Related Practices in Child Care 中心”. Journal of 产科, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 49 (November 2019) 5-15.
  • 因兹,R.塞雷卡,S.鲍威尔,A. B., & Demirci J. (2020, September). Trajectories of Breastfeeding Exclusivity and Perceived Insufficient Milk and their Association with Prenatal Body Mass Index among Primiparous Women. Virtual Poster presented at Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science State of the Science Congress.
  • 因兹,R.Demirci J; & Danford C. 3月(2020). Weight Stigma Related to Pregnancy: A Concept Analysis. Virtual poster presented at the Eastern Nursing 研究 Society.
  • 因兹,R. Demirci J. (2019, October). Communication Practices of 健康care Professionals with Overweight and Obese Pregnant Women: An Integrative Review. Podium presentation presented at the International Conference on Communication in 健康care, 圣地亚哥, CA.